Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Laundry Detergent, 6 gallons for under $3.

I love the new Tide slogan "Style is an option, clean isn't". Or something like that. So to keep your style clean I have worked out a recipe for a great laundry detergent that will be safe to use and easy on the wallet. You will only need three ingredients Washing Crystals, Borax, and Fels-Naptha. All three of these are available at my local grocery store in the laundry isle. 
Six gallons of laundry detergent for this? Yes, please. 

Have all of these ingredients and tools handy:
One 5-1/2 oz. Bar Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap
1-1/2 Cup Borax
1-1/2 Cup Washing Crystals
1 Stock Pot
1 Funnel
6 Empty gallon jugs
1 Box grater

The first step is the hardest! Grate one bar of Fels-Naptha Laundry Soap. This will make about 2 Cups and costs around $1.29 at the local grocery store.

Now that the grating is done place the soap flakes in a stock pot with 1-1/2 Cup Borax ($0.68 locally), 1-1/2 Cup Washing Crystals ($0.82 locally), and 12 Cups of water.  Stir and heat over medium on the stove. 
Looks a little egg-y.

While this is warming up be sure to stir often. Time to start filling those six gallon containers with 12 Cups of water in each. I usually fill one and use it as a measuring stick for the rest. Mark the water level for when you re-use these. 

Once all your soap has dissolved on the stove and has a nice foam to it, take it off the heat. 

Place 2 Cups of the soap concentrate in each gallon jug. Use the funnel and a heat safe glass measuring cup. 

Use a bamboo skewer to stir up the concentrate and water, or close the cap and shake gently. Top off the jug with about 2 more cups of water.