Hello Readers!,
I want to apologize for my absence. My mind has been flooded with the idea of “eating to prevent and cure”. It sounds insane but many doctors and scientists have found which foods help us and which ones hurt us. The idea is if you have something wrong with you eat certain foods and avoid certain foods. When you are healthy avoid foods that in the long term make you sick. Crazy talk!
Sounds simple? In a way it is, but when you have to sort out what some of your health goals. For myself I wanted to lessen my allergies (I was tired of prescription side affects), stop having acne breakouts (I have tried literally every product on the market!), and lose those pesky muffin top pounds (duh). Luckily, my problems all fell into some of the same food categories. I can honestly say when I stick to what I have learned my face is clear (inside and out) and my weight is much less of a beast.
I started my food journey earlier this year and this past month I have really learned about how vast this idea spread. I started with an Anti-Inflammation “diet”. I use “diet” loosely as it conjures up terrible images. The basics are no white flour, refined sugar, or processed foods. (Many other rules that are different for everyone also came into play.) Difficult. These new rules where tough to live by, but once the ball was rolling and I could breathe, skip concealer, and sit with my pants buttoned all at the same time I became a believer.
What you put into your body affects it and the more you are aware of the make up of your food the healthier you will be. This started my interest in what is being dubbed the “Food Revolution”. An entire movement of people have shed light on the food industry. WARNING: You cannot unlearn what you will learn if you watch and read he material I suggest.
Food has somehow become political. People don’t want to tell you what or how your food gets to your plate (or eeek Styrofoam box). Sadly, most people don’t want to know. If you are like me and want to live without illness, prescriptions, and pesky pounds come to the revolution! If you are prepared to learn I have suggested some documentaries below. Extracurricular research is highly recommended and encouraged. I am by no means an expert, but I recommend learning for yourself and your friends and family.
Click on any of the pictures below for more information.
Food Inc.
Possibly the most common of the food documentaries out there right now. PBS airs it every now and then. This one focuses on Industrial farming and where you food has been before it gets to your plate. Also, it has quite a bit of info on how the government allows companies to patent soy beans and other naturally occurring foods by simply engineering their genes. Creepy.
Forks Over Knives
This documentary focus on a plant based diet and its health benefits. Doctors who have done long term studies on the benefits of veganism are interviewed. They compare our cultures obsession with dairy against eastern cultures lack there of.
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead
This one was so inspirational! It is the story of one man trying to cure his mysterious illness, which (shocker!) is cured by a dietary change. Along the way he meets another man with the same illness and transforms that mans life, who in turn transforms the lives of all the people in his town. In a final story twist he saves his own brother after a heart attack. Hollywood could not have written such a touching story. Tears, literally tears of joy for these people.
This is the best one if you have any illness. It is very to the point about foods that can save your life and even reverse illness.
I highly recommend all of these. Don't worry about making all of these changes at once, it takes time to not want to murder some one over a DQ Blizzard, pepperoni pizza, or Diet Coke. Trust me. Any knowledge and changes you can make now are for the better. I hope this helped you!
Love Alice
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